
La nostra missione

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the educational sector, accelerating the process of digitalization of the educational offer of a large majority of schools in Europe. School Institutions and the wider education sector have a great role to play in equipping students with tools that make them more successful in managing their online lives, as a means of ensuring their personal wellbeing and avoiding the related risks .

While the development of digital skills has been focusing primarily on how to technically operate technologies, now it became an important task for the school system to develop skills to limit and channel this use. Schools can be major players in the development of a critical and balanced use of the media in daily life, that is to say of a status of digital wellbeing.

This project aims, through the activities produced as part of the project, to equip teachers with good practices to promote digital wellbeing at school.

In addition, the project aims to raise the awareness of high school students regarding their digital wellbeing, in an attempt to improve it.


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Objective One

Promoting the knowledge of the principles of sustainability applied to the tourism sectors among operators and decision makers, and its growing importance with respect to the lates market trends.

Objective Two

Promoting the sharing of good practices of sustainable tourism by creating a European network of entrepreneurs, managers, consultants and decision makers that will support tourist business and will potentiate the benefits of the shared initiatives.

Objective Three

Up-skilling tourism operators and enabling them to implement new and sustainable business models, which go in the direction of environmental sustainability and eco-compatibility.

Objective four

Promoting the awareness of tourists on sustainability and respect for the environment and the territory.





Target Groups


Tourism entrepreneurs: the owners or managers of hotels who can decide the initiatives and environmental policy of their structure, contributing to the policies of the destination or who may have the potential to drive change.


Consultants and trainers in the world of tourism: real multipliers of innovation. They have a privileged position because they train operators in the field and aspiring entrepreneurs and have the opportunity to raise awareness on these issues, also taking into account that this type of issues are not enough addressed in traditional curricula.


Destination managers: those who coordinate tourism and territorial marketing policies and who have the opportunity to give an ecological footprint while promoting the economic development of the destination


Political decision makers: the administrative managers of the destinations who can decide tourism policies and intervene on the development of infrastructures to support sustainable tourism, both in terms of economic development, but also of citizens’ well-being.


ASTERES SCRL - Società Cooperativa

ASTERES is a cooperative society which aims are: fostering citizens’ XXI century competences and lifelong learning, through the creation of innovative teaching and learning methodologies; creating innovative learning paths and events addressed to companies, entrepreneurs and professionals, teachers and trainers; raising awareness of international issues; promoting a common sense of belonging to the European Union.

Through the designing and creation of training pathways and educational resources ASTERES aims at promoting young and adult workers’ positive inclusion in the job market, people’s awareness of local identity and its bonds with the European sense of belonging.

Thanks to involvement of sponsors and representatives of local and regional government Asteres creates training pathways, events and digital environment aiming at the promotion of sustainability, ethical business development and balanced growth.


Senigallia Italy

VARH - Varna Association of Restaurants and Hotels

Provide support to private business and entrepreneurship in Varna and the related region through direct assistance in the qualification and needed skills of human resources.

Support members and stakeholders on credit awareness of existing/potential suppliers and clients/payers.

Provide job search support to both entrepreneurs and potential employees.

Assist its nearly 100 members in the implementation and co-financing of individual projects related to the development of the tourism business in the region.

The members of the Association also receive free consultations and assistance for the official categorization of their sites (stars) or in case of problematic cases/changes of local legislation.

The members of VARH have the opportunity to apply in the nominations for BHRA’s (Bulgarian hotel and restaurant association) Annual Awards for the best achievements in the field of hospitality, management, restaurant business, investments, etc.


Varna Bulgaria


Up2You helps people and companies reduce their environmental impact and reduce CO₂ emissions to zero, by offering services for accommodation providers, travel agencies and tour operators who want to make a commitment to environmental protection. Up2You incentivises and rewards the sustainable behaviour of tourists and travel companies through a reward mechanism that transforms consumer habits and revolutionises widespread but unsustainable industry standards.


Milan Italy

CTL Eurocollege

The Ctl Eurocollege was registered and approved as a College of Higher Education in 1991 by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth and started its operation in Limassol in 1992. Ctl Eurocollege can accommodate up to 600 students and is currently employing forty two faculty and staff members (full time and part time status) with high academic qualifications and many years of experience in education. In our college we have four main fields of study (Business, Computing and Hospitality) in which we offer Master Degree in Business Administration. Bachelor Degrees, Higher Diplomas, and Diplomas.


Lemesos Cyprus

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